Monday, November 12, 2007

I am new at this

Ok so I love looking at everryone's blog, but am jealous because my life is to boring for one... so be prepared for a lame-o blog all so I can add some thrill to my life by doing the in thing... becoming a Blogger!


Jenni.Woodmansee said...

i LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU! i'm so freaking glad that you got a blog!!!!!!!!!! and linds, your blog could never ever be boring, you're HILARIOUS! and you have so much to blog about!!!

this is going to be so fabulous.

and my decision on the picture is... leave it :) 25 days and he's yours.

love you!

The Evers said...

You are not lam-o I know lots of single people that blog! It is a lot of fun! I am glad you got a blog! Is that why you called me today? I am excited to see you Friday! Love you St. Lindsay

The Evers said...

Look I just added you to my blog can you find your name...